The purpose of an appraisal is typically linked to its intended use, and it usually reports the market value, which is based on a market analysis developed according to the specific characteristics of the property being appraised. However, there are various purposes that lead to the request for an appraisal, which can result in slight differences in the reported conclusion.
Avalúos Comerciales
Provide references for buy-sell transactions or indemnification. In consulting, they are used to support commercial or asset-related operations.
Avalúos Fiscales o Catastrales
Establish the taxable base for tax calculations.
Avalúos para Aseguramiento
Define the insurable value for the purpose of indemnification for damages caused by an incident and for calculating the insurance premium.
Avalúos para Financiamiento
Provide the value of the collateral (pledge or mortgage) supporting a loan or bond.
Avalúos Judiciales
Define the value of an asset for negotiating settlements in litigation cases.
Appraisals for Accounting, Stock Market, or Financial Purposes:
Calculate the value of assets for inclusion in financial reports, in accordance with current national and international standards (IFRS).
Appraisals for Quantifying Loss of Profits:
Determine the value of damages caused by the interruption of the operation or use of an asset.